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Essay Database > Literature > English
Hamlet by William Shakespeare, is a tragic play which distracts the human instincts of innocents and guilt. Gertrude and Ophelia are faultless, while Hamlet and Claudius where are accountable for their deaths as well as others. unfortunately the anger and need for revenge resulted in the death of innocent. Gertrude who is completely ignorant to her husbands death shows her innocents after the second duel between Hamlet and Laertes when she drinks from "the poison …

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…would prove Claudius guilty by his reaction to the play because "madness in great ones must not unwatched go"(Shakespeare III. 1 line 203). After Claudius enraged attitude after the performance proves his guiltiness. Hamlets guilt comes from his need to get revenge, Hamlets father comes to him as a ghost asking him to help "revenge his foul and most unnatural murder"(Shakespeare I.5 linr27). Though helping him get revenge innocent people die which makes him guilty.