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Essay Database > Literature > English
Hamlet is a tragic hero through abandonment. His father's death makes his mood very melancholy. He feels that his father left him and he mourns over his death. His father dies two months ago and he feels that isn't enough time to mourn. To point this out, " But two months dread, nay, not so much, not two;" (I,ii,138) The more Hamlet grieves about his father, the more he dislikes Claudius. To verify this, "She …

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…in his soliloquies and by his own noble death. Finally, Hamlet's isolation from his family, his antic disposition which results in his tragic flaw. Although he has many good qualities, such as bravery (as shown by his deeds), loyalty (to his father and mother), intelligent (putting on an antic disposition), and sensitive( he keeps grieving over his father's death), it eventually becomes clear that it is these very attributes causing his misfortunes, isolation and abandonment.