"Hamlet", understanding Shakespeare language

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities
Read Act I of the play, then go to the assignment and list at least two examples for each of the language patterns you have found in Act I. Give the scene and line number where you find each example. 1. Unusual word arrangement I could a tale unfold (I, v) In my mind's eye (I, ii) It cannot come to good (I, ii) It started like a guilty thing (I, i) Leave her to heaven (…

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…to the cuckold. fain= gladly forsooth= truly, used for emphasis forswear=renounce or perjure hap=perhaps, sometimes written as haply hence=away from here; also later marry=a mild oath using a corrupted spelling of "Mary"; indeed mistress=any woman, often the female head of the household, or the object of a man's affection; seldom used in the modern sense of a woman engaged in an affair tarry=wait thence=away from there wherefore=why