Hamlet the Emotional Side.

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities
Hamlet is a tragedy written by William Shakespeare, portrays as a very emotional soul, a daring, brave character who has a bad and violent temper. Hamlet is a very emotional young man. For Hamlet's emotional character his father's death and mother's Betrayals are the antithesis of happiness: his home life seems to emotionally destroy him and eventually leads to death. As we all know, his father's death was a shock for him and he could …

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…of Hamlet's character traits as seen in Shakespeare's Hamlet. I feel that all these character traits are important, but the most significant one is the portrayal of his brave and daring character. I feel that this character trait is the most significant because if Hamlet had not met with the ghost or set up "The Mousetrap", the play would not have been such a mystery if he would of known what happened to his father.