Hamlet essay

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Essay Database > Literature > English
1. Hamlet, Claudius and Laertes all share similar dilemmas. Compare and contrast how each approaches his problem. Most people call Hamlet a tragic hero but, they forget that Claudius, Laertes and Hamlet all share similar problems. Their dilemmas lead them to death and tragedy. These men approach their troubles in different ways and cause conflicts in their lives. Firstly, Hamlet must avenge the death of his father, Secondly, Claudius's ambition leads him to killing his own …

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…with haste and without reasoning. He wanted to take justice into his own hands, but wanted to do it without any delay. He did not care what he had to do or who he had to kill as long as he was able to avenge the death of his father. In the end, his own sword kills him because he approached his problem with haste and did not take time to think his plan through.