"Hamlet" by Shakespeare and "Once more to the lake" by E.B White.

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In 1994 Nick Leeson, a trader at Barings Bank in London, generated a substantial amount of debt by investing in an unstable market. Attempting to extricate himself from the financial mess, and cover up the debts, he made more frenetic deals. By the time the bank realized, Leeson had created over a billion dollars worth of debt. Trying to escape from his problems, Leeson decided to run away with his wife; first to Borneo and then …

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…is shown how in a time of crisis, even if we escape somehow, sooner or later we have to face the problem. Shakespeare, William. Hamlet. Toronto: Harcourt Canada Ltd, 1988. White, E.B. "Once More to the Lake." The Norton Sampler: Short Essays for Composition. Ed. Thomas Cooley. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 1997, 403-409. BBC News (page consulted on November 10, 2002(. [On Line]. URL address: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/the_economy/375259.stm