Hamlet and film

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Essay Database > Literature > English
The 3rd film version of Hamlet staring Mel Gibson varies in many ways to original play, "The Tragedy of Hamlet." The film version starts out with the morbid funeral of Hamlet, the deceased king of Denmark. Joining fellow mourners was Hamlet's son, Hamlet and Gertrude, Hamlet Sr.'s former wife. This conflicts with the play for the first scene shows the ghost of the king while the guards keep watch. In the film, we do …

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…Polonius sending a spy for when Leartes goes back to Paris all were but a few of the play to movie comparisons. In a business where everything done will effect the amount of money it draws, these changes will be made. Original artistic integrity was obviously not a main concern from the film makers. However, the interpretation and screenplay of the movie were interesting, and provided a refreshing insight to one version of Hamlet's tragedy.