Hamlet and Ophelia Comparison

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
Hamlet and Ophelia are linked by many common characteristics, not the least of which is their madness. While Hamlet's madness seems to be feigned, Ophelia is truly crazy. The odd thing about their predicament is that they each drive each other more fully into the depths of illness. One of Hamlet's most famous lines is when he tells the Queen: "Seems, madam? Nay, it is. I know not 'seems.'" Hamlet is saying that he …

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…she does not know the meaning of. She talks about her father without knowing no one is listening, and eventually Ophelia drowns in a shallow creek with no one to help her. While Hamlet is simply pretending to be crazy in hopes to catch Claudius, Ophelia really has gone mad, mostly because of Hamlet. These two "young" nobles who once were in love, drove each other more fully into madness, and could not help themselves.