Hamlet act4 summary misc

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Gertrude tells Claudius about the death of Polonius, and the King directs Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to recover the counselor's corpse. The two students confront Hamlet, who mocks them, refuses to tell them where the body is hidden, but then agrees to see the King. At court, Claudius tells his noblemen that Hamlet has become a threat to the kingdom, yet he fears to act directly against him because of the Prince's popularity. Instead, Claudius tells …

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…Hamlet. Horatio receives a letter from Hamlet which tells of the Prince's being captured by pirates who have agreed to release him while Rosencrantz and Guildenstern continue on to England. Claudius and Laertes conspire to kill Hamlet during a "sporting" duel using a sharpened and poisoned fencing sword. The King puts forth a back-up plan to offer Hamlet a poisoned glass of wine during this context. Word comes that the troubled Ophelia has committed suicide.