Hamlet Soliloquies

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Essay Database > Literature
In William Shakespeare's "Hamlet" there are four major soliloquies that reflect the character of Hamlet. In this paper I will be analyzing and discussing how these four soliloquies reflect changes in Hamlet's mental state; his changing attitudes toward life and the other characters in the play, particularly the women; and his reflection on the task of revenge that has been assigned to him. These four soliloquies are the backbones of the play, and they offer …

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…flaw. This flaw is that Hamlet is a serial procrastinator. One example of this procrastination is that he had many chance to murder Claudius but he did not, he always seemed to find some excuse not to do it. I wonder if he killed Claudius the first chance he got, would he have lived a long and happy life as the King along with his Queen, instead of dying by the shear will of Claudius.