Hamlet Role of Women

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Hamlet Role of Women For many years in the past women played a small role socially, economically, and politically. As a result of this many works in literature were reflective of this smaller role of women. In Elizabethan theaters small boys dressed and played the roles of women. In contrast to this trend, in Shakespeare's Hamlet the women in the play are driving factors for the actions of many other characters. Both Gertrude, Hamlet's mother, …

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…dominating figures that were the basis for the play. The play could not have been developed if Gertrude had not married Hamlet's uncle. This was the factor that provided Hamlet's motives for killing Claudius. The play would not have been as effective if there was no consequence to Hamlet's actions. Hamlet's loss of Ophelia was a result of Hamlet's actions. The role of women in this play sets up a system of cause and effect