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Essay Database > History
Title: Hamlet Author: William Shakespeare Pages: 206 PLOT Hamlet, the prince of Denmark was very upset by his father's death, in the battle with the Norwegians. Then, Claudius, prince Hamlet's uncle became the king and married Queen Gertrude. Once, when prince Hamlet and his best friend Horatio were having a chat, the spirit of King Hamlet who was murdered on the battle with Norwegians, came and told them that Claudius was the real murderer of him. …

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…died, which made the story very dull. The part I hated the most was the ending, when every one died by being stabbed by the poisoned sword. MAIN CHARACTER The main character in this story is Prince Hamlet of Denmark. I liked him because of the intelligence. He was so determined to find out the proof of the murder of King Hamlet. Buy anyway, he died at last which made me feel sorry for him.