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Essay Database > Literature > English
Hamlet is the inner person of all mankind" as stated by actor Alan Bates. What did Mr. Bates mean by this?
Could he be referring to the love, the corruption, the revenge, or the insanity displayed by Hamlet; or was he
referring to more than Shakespeare decided to set corruption in Elsinor, a royal castle in medieval Denmark.
Prior to the first act Hamlets' mother, Queen Gertrude is widowed to King Hamlet. When this tragedy
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his unknowing execution. Once again with Hamlets quick thinking and wit escapes death and returns to Elsinor enraged at the king. Claudius, knowing the disturbance he has caused must act In the final scene the duel becomes deadly. Laertes poisons the sword and Claudius poisons the wine. Queen Gertrude, without knowing, drinks the wine and is almost instantly killed. At that same time Laertes cuts Hamlet and he is infected with the dea Word Count: 352
his unknowing execution. Once again with Hamlets quick thinking and wit escapes death and returns to Elsinor enraged at the king. Claudius, knowing the disturbance he has caused must act In the final scene the duel becomes deadly. Laertes poisons the sword and Claudius poisons the wine. Queen Gertrude, without knowing, drinks the wine and is almost instantly killed. At that same time Laertes cuts Hamlet and he is infected with the dea Word Count: 352