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Essay Database > Literature
While reading the play Hamlet, written by William Shakespeare, I realized that many of the characters are overwhelmed with anger. Throughout the play numerous characters are what today's society would call "backstabbing." Each of them only thinking about himself and or the hurt that someone else has caused. From Lord Hamlet's killing of the elder Fortinbras to Claudius' killing of King Hamlet to the accidental death of Polonius, we find the motivation for three characters …

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…became the King of Denmark, and Hamlet killed his fathers murderer. Each of these characters had his own method of seeking revenge. Laertes wanted to seek revenge right away and wanted whoever was responsible for the death of his loved ones killed. Fortinbras sat back and waited for the right time to make his move. Hamlet pretended to be crazy and wanted Claudius to suffer just like King Hamlet did. <Tab/>