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Essay Database > Literature > English
To Be or Not To Be? William Shakespeare?s Hamlet is a tale that has been told for over 400 years. The meaning of the play relies heavily on Hamlet?s soliloquies. Without these soliloquies, the scenes of Hamlet alone, would be useless. By allowing the audience to ?hear? hamlet think, it is much easier to interpret his feelings. Hamlet's first soliloquy (I,ii) is important to the play as it shows his inner conflict caused …

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…wants to commit suicide, so he is trying to rationalize his feelings. He is withholding the thoughts that bother him the most, ??But break, my heart, for I must hold my tongue" (I,ii,158). This soliloquy is crucial in showing the audience the strong feelings of Hamlet. It shows the two sides of Hamlet?s character, physically and mentally, while establishing a connection from the audience to him. Without it, the audience would be lost.