Hamlet 2

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Essay Database > Literature > English
"To be or not to be," (quote from Shakespeare's Hamlet) probably the most well known line in the English language, which comes from one of the may soliloquy's in Shakespeare's Hamlet. Though it is not from an important soliloquy in the play, this line has been imbedded in the minds of many. Through out the play Hamlet recites many soliloquies, two of which come out at the beginning of the play giving the reader an …

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…he is using words making a plan, he says he doesn't deserve to be a prince. As you can see, the two soliloquies play a great role in the play so far revealing a lot about Hamlet's character and how it has changed. From sorrow, anger melancholy to an intelligent coward. As the play proceeds you will see how both of these sets of characteristics and feelings combine together to further the character of Hamlet.