Halloween: A Spooky Tradition.

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Goblins, ghouls, ghosts, pumpkins, costumes, and candy. Just what is the link between all of these staples of Halloween? What transformed this pagan ritual into a commercial celebration? With Halloween just around the corner, let's see just how it evolved to what it has become today. Thousands of years ago, the British Isles were inhabited by the Celts. About 2,000 years ago, November 1st marked both the first day of winter and the Celtic new year. …

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…its core, Halloween is a party that celebrates deceased family members, and this kind of festivity has existed in one form or another in every culture since ancient Egyptian times. Every year, about $7 billion US is spent by Americans on this holiday alone, which makes it the second-largest commercial feast in the country after Christmas. So as long as people enjoy wearing costumes, partying and eating candy, Halloween is most definitely likely to remain popular.