Haiti VS. Cuba

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Pages: 5
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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Is there a double standard that exists in US immigration policies? Are there preferences depending on what country you are coming from? Treatment between Haitians and Cubans, when they arrive to the United States, differs. When Cubans reach the U.S. they are racketed through immigration, and within a short period of time are released to their family. The American experience for Haitians is the contrary. The treatment is unfair, affects our lives, and may …

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…Adjustment Act of 1966. But this is not fair to other immigrants. This is especially true to Haitians. They have a right to have their claims heard, to have the same opportunity of building a future on free and fair soil. But how fair is our nation? How fair is it if our United States immigration policies have a double standard? There are many things that we as a community can do if we care enough.