HSC Changing Self- Gwen Harwood (Prize-Giving and The Glass Jar).

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Changing Self Essay How do composers use texts to explore concepts of Changing Self? Discuss ideas and techniques. In Gwen Harwood's poems Prize-Giving and The Glass Jar, the prescribed text Sky-High, and the novel White Teeth by Zadie Smith, the composer have used many varying ideas and techniques to investigate and illustrate concepts of Changing Self effectively. The ideas looked at in Gwen Harwood's poetry include imagery, retrospect, metaphor, and inversion of the connotation of …

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…seventeen. In the texts Prize-Giving and The Glass Jar by Gwen Harwood, Sky-High by Hannah Robert, and White Teeth by Zadie Smith, ideas and techniques are flaunted in terms of how they are used to display the change of self in the personas. The numerous ideas used in each of the texts, often overlapping to be used in more than one text show the skill of the composers and their flexibility in applying various techniques.