HSC Area of Study Changing Self (Gwen Harwood).

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
HSC Changing Self Change is inevitable, but the outcomes of change depend on an individual's response to the changes which occur." Discuss how the techniques used by the composers highlight ideas about Changing Self which have influenced your ideas about this aspect of change. Over time, change will always occur, but the extent of the change depends on the individual, and the way that he or she responds to the events that occur. Each different …

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…told me so." The texts Prize-Giving and The Glass Jar by Gwen Harwood, Sky-High by Hannah Robert, White Teeth by Zadie Smith, and Life As A House, directed by Irwin Winkler and starring Kevin Kilne, show that the attributes of people who are subjected to events of change, determine their response to those events. The change in these attributes represents the change in self. Change in self does not always occur immediately, suddenly or painfully.