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Essay Database > Science & Technology
HIV Since the first AIDS cases were reported in 1981, through mid-1994 more than 402,000 AIDS cases and more than 241,000 deaths have been reported in the United States alone. This is only the tip of the iceberg of HIV infection, however. It is estimated that nearly 1 million Americans had been infected with the virus through the mid-1990s but had not yet developed clinical symptoms. In addition, although the vast majority of documented cases have occurred in …

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…nor socio-economic status as was once believed. It has become an epidemic for the entire nation and will need the cooperation of everyone to control. Already, many private and government organizations have been created to help deal with the problem. And millions of dollars are being spent in research and treatment, as well as in helping people cope with the problem. The social impact of AIDS is substantial and it can no longer be ignored.