HIV Multiple Bereavement Syndrome

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
HIV/AIDS and Multiple Bereavement: Is the psychological impact of multiple loss intensified by social factors? “The advent of AIDS has created a new population of people who suffer multiple bereavements as well as threats to their own lives.” (Murray-Parkes, 1998, p. xii) The populations most affected by HIV/AIDS live in two geographical locations: the USA and Africa (WHO, 1998) . In 1997 four million people in the Sub-Saharan Africa were newly reported as having seropositive status (WHO, 1998). …

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…Psychological Aspects of Grief in AIDS & HIV Infection, in Sherr, L (ed.), Grief & AIDS, J Wiley & Sons; 1995, pp 1:28 Sosnowitz BG & Kovacs DR (1992), From Burying to Caring: Family AIDS Support Groups, in Huber J & Schneider BE (Eds), The Social Context of AIDS, Sage:1992, pp 131:143 Strong, P (1990), Epidemic Psychology: a model, in Mackay L, Soothill K & Mela K (Eds.), cited Classic Texts in Health Care, Butterworth-Heinemann: 1998, pp 35:40 UNAIDS/WHO Web site: http:/