HARD TIMES Book Review: Hard Times by Studs Terkel An Oral History Of The Great Depression New York: Pantheon Books, 1970

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Studs Terkel, the noted journalist, radio commentator, and author has provided us with different views on different topics with the many books he's published throughout the years. Particularly in his 1970 publication of Hard Times, which is an oral history of the Great Depression of the nineteen thirties. Terkel interviewed dozens of people across the United States for this book, then bringing together a collection from these interviews with mostly ordinary people to talk about their …

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…of how times like those were like. At the same time it is opening ideas and teaching to learn from the past and its mistakes. It is a book of reliving those moments that were a struggle for many Americans. Studs Terkel has offered us not a book about history, but a book about truth. He has become one unique historian with his way of sharing his knowledge with others through the airway and books.