H1-B Visas

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
H-1B Visas Of all the foreign workers coming to the United States of America, no category of workers provides an instant boost to the economy as the H-1B professionals. The H-1B is a temporary worker visa status that allows foreign nationals to come and work in the United States of America in specialty occupation for a fixed period of time, up to six full years. Every American employer is able to hire …

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…professional workers? Society for the Advancement of Education. Schu, J. (2001, April). New H1-B visa bill offers relief to companies hungry for skilledIT workers. [Online]. Workforce, 80 (4). Available: http://vweb.hwwilsonweb.com/cgibin/websp...id.p=S(H7)&SP.URL.P=I(H7Z7) (0000020126)& Shusterman, C. (March 2001). Untied and ready to hire. [Online]. HRMagazine, 46 (3). Available: http://vweb.hwwilsonweb.com/cgibin/websp...id.p=S(H7)&SP. URL.P=I(H7Z7)J(0000026662)&