Gypsies in America (Immigration the Roma people, their history, etc.)

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Essay Database > Literature > North American
Gypsies (or "Roma") originated in India in first few centuries after the life of Christ. Unfortunately, little is known about the Gypsy's past as it was never written down and has only been passed through the generations by story-telling. The only significant research on Gypsies was conducted by the Nazis who collected thousands of genealogies in preparation for a genocidal action against them. Between a half and one and a half million Gypsies were murdered. …

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…from the infamous Gypsy-hunts, and inhumane ant-Gypsy laws which they and their ancestors faced in Europe. In the United States all people have the right to express themselves and to be treated fairly. However, it will only be a small number of generations until the all Gypsies have given up their old customs and melt into the ever-growing universal culture of the United States. Soon the tambourine and fiddle may only be heard in memory.