Gymnastics. Talks about my love for gymnastics and the punishing the girls go through. Eating disorders, injuries, ect!

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Gymnastics Gymnastics is definitely my all-time favorite sport. When gymnastics is done in the correct way it is one of the most beautiful sports in the world. The young men and women we see in the Olympics every four years are brave and fearless individuals. Under the enormous pressure of the Olympic Games, these athletes attempt and complete some of the most mind boggling skills on earth with perfect form and extension. Although the moves …

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…five gold and two silver medals. The women's team became the first team from America to ever win the team gold at worlds. Also, the men's team won the silver and Paul Hamm became the first American man to ever with the All-Around gold medal at the World Championships. American gymnastics has had many rocky moments in past years, but it seems as if things are looking up and I could not be more excited.