Gusta Vassa

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Essay Database > History
Paper 2 In a vivid recount of his travels as a slave, Gustavus Vassa enlightens us to the details of a world in which people are bought and sold as property. In his stories we can see how he interpreted his own experiences and we can also get some clues as to the nature of his character. From the very begining Vassa shows us just how much of the sights he takes in. He demonstrates this …

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…his own people, but also for the white people who endure cruelties. He himself does not ever call for anger or violence or revenge, but asks simply why men have not seen yet that violence begoughts violence. He asks how these 'Christian' men can cast aside their morals. He sees what positive relationships can do between people. In the 18th century Gustavus Vassa saw things that many men in the 21st century still do not.