Guns in America - History assignment about whether or not I believe the 2nd amendment should be modified due to changes in society over time.

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Civil Rights
History assignment about whether or not I believe the 2nd amendment should be modified due to changes in society over time. ---- What is the purpose of semi-automatic weaponry? Sure, there are some used for hunting, like the semi-automatic hunting and target shotguns, but what are most used for, like handguns and pistols? They are for the sole purpose of killing people. Some like to have them for target shooting - but why? Can we …

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…this on this site to hopefully aid anyone else with a similar assignment to have other peoples view and opinions - but I do not tolerate copy-pasting text from others' essays, or copying completely. I know that while it is stated as against the rules of the site to steal the work, it still happens. Think twice, I know teachers who can easily tell if you've stolen the work. Thanks a lot, you guys! 