Gun control

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Essay Database > Law & Government
On April 20, 1999, in Littleton, Colorado, two students at Columbine High School carried out a murderous rampage that left fifteen dead and millions in shock Exactly one month later, a suicidal fifteen year old from Heritage High, in Conyers, Georgia opened fire into a crowd of fellow students, injuring six. Following this, Orthodox Jews were attacked in Chicago in July , and in October of 2002, a pair of ruthless snipers terrorized the DC area by randomly shooting …

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…fatal. Mase, tear gas or even physical self defense are far safer than a bullet from a gun. Keeping guns out of the hands of people that should not have them, and having a safe guard against the people that do have them is nothing more than common sense. Though there is the right to bear firearms, there should also be a universal right for citizens to feel safe in society and live in peace.