Gun comtrol misc100

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Gun Control The United States of America is the most heavily armed population in the world. There are 200 Million guns and 60 to 65 Million legal owners who have one or more guns. In the United States, more than half of the households have guns. In 1974, nearly two million guns were produced in the United States, and four hundred thousand guns were imported. In 1975, the House Judiciary Committee Report Number 94-1103 stated that there were about three …

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… guns, these gun and crime related problems may be solved. Bibliography Dolan, Edward F. Jr. Gun Control. New York: A Grolier Company, 1982. Long, Robert Emmet, ed. Gun Control. New York: The H. W. Wilson Company, 1989. Wright, James D. et al. Under The Gun. New York: Aldine Publishing Company, 1983. Ahlers, Julia and Wilt, Michael. Christian Justice. Minnesota: Saint Mary's Press, 1995 "Gun" Microsoft Encarta'. 1995 edition. "Rifle", Photograph, Microsoft Encarta'. 1995 edition. "Hunting", Photograph, Compton Interactive Encyclopedia. 1995 edition.