Gun Control2

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
"In order to reduce gun vilolence in the U.S., there should be stricter gun regulation." By Don Sunberg U.S. Politics and Government Dr. M. Anderson September 13, 1999 Violence and crime in today's society is inevitable. Human nature is full of hatred, jealousy, and chaos. Throwing guns into the equation adds security for some, and vulnerability for others. Gun regulation is a topic of debate that has been going on for years and looks to …

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…crime?" Consumers' Research Magazine Dec. 1998: 18-23. Noonan, Peggy. "Looking Forward." Good Housekeeping July 1998: 178. Sullum, Jacob. "Can't Bear It." Reason Magazine 05 Aug. 1998. 7 Sept. 1999 Thurman, James N. "As more carry hidden guns, who's safer?" The Christian Science Monitor 01 Sept. 1999. 7 Sept. 1999 /01/pls3.html. Write, James D., Peter H. Rossi, and Kathleen Daly. Under the Gun: Weapons, Crime, and Violence in America. New York: Aldine Publishing Company, 1983: 313-315.