Gun Control Research

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Pages: 6
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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
Gun Control A gun is a mechanical device that expels a projectile. In most cases the projectile is a gyroscopically stabilized bullet which can accurately travel a large distance. Most guns burn solid propellants to produce high-pressure gas, which drives the projectile through the barrel. Guns have been used for hundreds of years in the history of our world and nation. Although, gun control has been a major debating issue during the past few decades. …

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…organization in your area. You can participate in anything from organizing events, petitions and letter-writing campaigns to peer counseling and education programs. Another option is to bring your own group into the gun control network. For example through your PTA, youth club, religious organization or professional association, you can have a significant impact in your community and make a meaningful contribution to this cause. Always remember that Guns do not kill people. People kill people.