Gulliver's travel with reason and will

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
There is a lot to be said about Gulliver's Travel, Swift clearly makes the reader gain respect as an observant individual. With that in mind I found that the battle between reason and will became an ongoing topic. Gulliver's opinions on his journeys certainly have their own identity as they coincide with his statements and beliefs on civilization and humanity. Gulliver is very detailed on his voyages and comments on the good and bad points …

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…race and shows us as a society of will but does not show much reason. In some senses I think Swift wanted us to see what our society was really about. He satirizes human pride by showing what humans are capable of and what we tend not to really put thought to and that's what makes it interesting. He wants to show through Gulliver's eyes the vices and virtues associated with the way we live.