Gulf War

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Essay Database > History
The Gulf War On the 2nd of August 1990, Iraq invaded Kuwait. Millions of trees, wildlife, marine life, humans and the environment in general, were destroyed. This invasion, was called the GULF WAR. The social, environmental and economic impacts will be felt for years. The Gulf War was a major environmental disaster. Wildlife and their habitat was destroyed both in Iraq and Kuwait. Grass, soil and trees were destroyed by bombing, oily particles (which was from …

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…wasted on ammunition and weapons, which could have been spent to make the world better not worse. Millions of wildlife were killed, affecting the whole food chain, which will never be the same again. Because of some stupid and thoughtless actions of 3 countries (Iraq, Kuwait and United States), the whole world suffered. There is one thing in this world, that is the most crucial and non replaceable, and that is the Earth and its environment.