Group behavior

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<Tab/> <Tab/><Tab/> <Tab/><Tab/> In the partial fulfillment of the assignment work of ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOUR (MB 102) Submitted to:- Ms. Gaganpreet Kaur Lecturer Organizational Behavior Department of Business Studies Submitted by:-<Tab/> Bhupinder Singh <Tab/><Tab/><Tab/>&…

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…pleasant entity of which to be a part. BIBLIOGRAPHY Moorhead, Gregory & Griffin, Ricky W. (1999); "Group Dynamics"; Organizational Behavior: pp 292-294; A.I.T.B.S. Publishers and Distributors (Regd.) (Fifth Edition). Stroh, Linda K., Northcraft, Gregory B. & Neale, Margaret A.; Groups and Teams; Organizational Behavior-A Management Challenge: pp 157-174; Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers (Third Edition). Robbins, Stephen P.; "Foundations of Group Behavior"; Organizational Behavior: pp 218,240,244-247; Pearson Education Asia (Ninth Edition).