"Ground Control" - To What extent could the concept of "service as theatre" be applied to Starbucks?

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Summary This report explains similarities between service of a theatre and coffee shop Starbucks. Marketing mix tools people, process and physical evidence are explained to assist in better understanding of services. The article Ground Control is analysed. Introduction To satisfy a customer needs it takes enormous amount of effort, however it can be achieved easier with assistance of various marketing mix tools such as people, process and physical evidence. The example of that can be …

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…Willey & Sons Australia Ltd, Milton Qld *<Tab/>(n,d.), viewed 10 March 2006, http://www.theage.com.au/articles/2003/07/27/1059244475531.html *<Tab/>Harris Richard, Harris Kim, Baron Steve "Theatrical service experiences: Dramatic script development with employees" vol.14, no2, p.184-199, viewed 11 March 2006 *<Tab/>Hoffman K. Douglas, Bateson John E.G (2002) "Essentials of services marketing : concepts, strategies, & cases" 2nd edition Harcourt College Publishers