Grievances of the Colonists during the American Revolution

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Essay Database > History
The Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4, 1776. This document stated that the American colonies were now the United States of America, and were now an independent country, separate from Britain. This document also explains to the world the reasons for the revolt against the British. The grievances that were felt by the colonists and their reactions to certain events were justified, and were also stated in this document. The Sugar Act in 1764 did not …

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…action was justified because many people were losing money and jobs due to the Tea Act. Many events caused the colonists to demand their independence, and the injustices that occurred had cause for complaint. The colonists grievances were justified fully in the occurrences that the British government provoked. The Sugar Act, the Townshend Acts, and the Tea Act were all created by the British government, and caused the colonists to rebel, and to demand independence.