Grief and Bereavement

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Essay Database > Literature > English
The time that immediately follows the death of a loved one can be very distressing. Bereavement is something that we all experience at some stage of our lives, but not often, therefore we do not get much opportunity to learn how to deal with it. Everybody reacts differently to the loss of someone close. Grieving is a natural process which ever way it is manifested. The time that immediately follows the death can be filled …

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…we love is gone from our lives, it is as if a piece of us is torn away. Grief is that process by which our minds heal this hurt. Through the process of mourning, we gradually accept the loss. We allow the dead to be gone from our lives. At the end of mourning, there is still sadness, but it is a wistful sadness that is tempered by the happy memories that we still possess.