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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Psychology
Grief 'What do I do now that you're gone? Well then there's nothing else going on, which is quite often, I sit in a corner and cry until I am too numbed to feel. Paralyzed motionless for a while, nothing moving inside or out. Then I think how much I miss you. Then I feel fear, pain, loneliness, desolation. Then I cry until I am too numbed to feel. Interesting pastime.' (Peter McWillians, How …

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…or her loss. It is recommended that one should: 1)Recognize the loss and allow yourself to grieve, 2)Set up a daily activity schedule, and 3)Seek help if needed. The best way to heal from this type of experience is to talk about it, as long as the individual has had enough time to realize his or her loss and to feel comfortable letting others know their personal feelings. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- source:psychology in action-6th edition