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Essay Database > Literature > English
The Role Of Monsters In Beowulf In the epic poem Beowulf, Monsters play a big role in what the main hero has to gain or lose, whether it is a friend or even his life. But hey also play an more personal role than what the original dialogue states about them. In the epic, then monster are seen as an evil presence that brings a Grendel is seen as pure evil and nothing more. The …

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…). 3. Loganbill, Dean. "Time and Monsters in Beowulf." In Geardagum 3 (1979): 35-40. 4. Fight With Grendel]. Grins: n.p., 1979. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography** Bibliography 1. Gardner, John. Grendel. New York: Vitage Books, 1971 2. Raffel, Burton. (Trans. ) Beowulf. New York: New American Library, 1963 3. Neinginger, Kim/ Otero, Migdalia. Grendel Mother attacks. FTP at URL: < http//> (version current as 1993). 4. Loganbill, Dean. "Time and Monsters in Beowulf." In Geardagum 3 (1979)