Green Berets

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GREEN BERETS Special forces, highly trained branch of the United States Army, specializing in unconventional or guerrilla warfare. Popularly known as the Green Berets because of their distinctive caps, the modern special forces special forces came into being in 1952. The growth of the force, most notably through its role in Southeast Asia during the 1960's in the Vietnam War. This reflects the increasing importance accorded guerrilla tactics in modern revolutionary and political developments around the …

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…The Green Berets, a breed apart, a cut above the rest, another kind of soldier. Unquestionably the world's finest unconventional warfare experts. Mature, highly skilled, and superbly trained, they are ready to serve anywhere at any time. Deployed on every continent, operating in remote areas under traitorous conditions, with tenuous radio link, and training their allies to defend themselves against tyranny and oppression. They are the Army's Special Forces, known popularly as the Green Berets.