Greek Gods/Dieties Includes Specifics about: Zeus, Where gods resided, Lower gods, Why they were important, & Gods in General (Bibliographic Sources Included)

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Essay Database > History > European History
<Tab/>This essay is about the Ancient Greek Dieties. In this essay, I will be stating a few things about the Greek gods like, information about the gods in general, the highest god, Zeus, all the lower gods, where the gods lived, and why they were so important. <Tab/>First, what and who were the Greek Gods? Have you even heard of them? Well if gods, doesn't …

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…your life miserable. Some gods were more forgiving, but some were offended more easily than others (Burial Rituals...). <Tab/>To sum everything up, the gods were immortals that ruled Ancient Greece, their leader was Zeus, a few lower gods were Athena, Atremis, Apollo, Aphrodite, and Hermes, he gods ruled from Mount Olympus and they were a huge part of Greek life. <Tab/> <Tab/>