GrecoPersian war

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Essay Database > History
In September of 490 BC. The Greco-Persian war rages on in the Marathon Plain of Northwest Attica. The Athenians have just repulsed the first Persian invasion of Greece. The Greek army was vested to ten different generals each controlling one day of battle. The generals were evenly divided on whether to wait for the Persians to attack or to attack them. A civil official, Callimachus, who decided to attack, broke the tie. Four of the generals …

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…metal. They fought until one opponent acknowledged defeat. Horse racing and a pentathlon next, the pentathlon included sprinting, long jumping, javelin, discus, and wrestling. Every event that the ancient Olympians had, we now have, and the Olympics is still a chance for life long enemies to put aside their weapons and compete as gentlemen. The Olympic games are a way for all kinds to get along if only for a short time. By Josh Rudolph