Great expectations

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Through out our lives, symbolism presents itself all around. Every object in the world and every action has a meaning behind it. Symbolism is everything and everywhere including in the novels people read. Often we do not realize these symbols, however it is clear that it is present though out our society. Throughout the novel Great Expectations Charles Dickens's demonstrates symbols of isolation, manipulation, heroism, and mimics. In the novel, the character of Estella represents …

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…mbolism is a huge role being played in Charles Dickens's Great Expectations. Many symbols are brought to life and put into situations which many can relate to. People in society must realize that much of who a person is, is shown through objects or symbols that they encounter in their lifetime. Symbols give each person a persona perceived by others showing who exactly one is and what place they have in the world. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**