"Great expectations ".

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
The Endings of Great Expectations Charles Dickens had written an ending to Great expectations that he revised to better tie up the novel. I prefer the revised ending. This is the one that Dickens agreed to put into print. It ties together the way the novel was portrayed to me, the many things that happen that show characters separate and reconcile through out the novel. Pip and Estella are able to come back together after …

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…together after everything they have been through. Throughout the novel, Dickens has made it quite clear that Estella is above Pip, socially and financially. This gap is what causes Pip to attempt fitting in with the upper classes so he can be with Estella, but it also makes them an unlikely pair. Although Estella repents for her past actions, it is hard to believe that she can now lower yourself to loving someone like Pip.