"Great Expectations".

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Throughout society, many people always think they want something, yet they truly do not. There is always a constant struggle within oneself to remain true. William Shakespeare has said, "To thine own self be true." This quote ultimately says that people should be who they are and nothing else. In Charles Dickens' novel Great Expectations, he agrees with this quote. One of Dickens' major themes is that one should only be who they are. Through …

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…a major theme that relates to this exact quote. Dickens implies that when Pip is acknowledging his past and accepting it, he is at his happiest. However, when Pip chooses to forget his past and not be true to himself, he is unhappy. This clearly demonstrates the major idea that one should always be true to their self. If society was able to remain honest with themselves, society would be able to attain true happiness.