"Great Expectations" by Charles Dickens.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Great Expectations The theme of isolation is directly reflected in the time it was written, the Victorian era. Women during this period were dependent on men, unless they were rich. Miss Havisham, who is rich and who is not dependent on a man, is isolated in her own, home which is decayed and diseased. Charles Dickens uses Miss Havisham to show Isolation in the novel. Charles Dickens believed that the division between the rich and …

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…has done. During her isolation, Dickens also creates sympathy for her, by showing her loneliness and melancholy, "I heard her walking there, and so across into her room, and so across again into that, never ceasing the low cry." The Isolation of Miss Havisham is something she chose to do. The out come of that are very dear consequences. She, in the end had to learn the error of her ways, and put them right.