"Great Expectations" by Charles Dickens.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
the novel Great Expectations by Charles Dickens Pip has a chance to visit London. When he arrives Pip has an opportunity to experience what London is all about. The realities of the city are disappointing to Pip. In Pip's viewpoint London is immense, ugly, crooked, narrow, and dirty. To begin with, London is a dirty disgraceful place in Smithfield the ground is filled with filth, fat, blood, and foam spread on the ground. Also, the …

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…fantasy, and full of ladies and gentlemen but turned out to be ugly, crooked and dirty. Next, Pip predicted Mr. Jaggers office to be big and clean instead turn out to be a greasy and dismal place. Then, Pip anticipated Barnard's Inn to be a hotel that was kept nice and was very elegant, however, it was ugly and in decay. Nothing of Pips expectations were as he would have expected ,but were the opposite.