"Great Expectations" by Charles Dickens: Is Magwitch the most Unfortunate Character in the Novel?

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
Magwitch's background makes him a character to pity. He never received advantages and people constantly looked down upon him because of his poor speech and clothing. Having no other choice, Magwitch had to steal to survive. Working for the well-spoken Compeyson, Magwitch only followed orders. He is treated and described like an animal who is treated brutally: "A man who has been soaked in water, and smothered in mud, and lamed by stones, and cut …

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…unfortunate that only at the end of his life Pip comes to his senses and stops being a snob as realises what Magwitch has done for him. Also in another sense he is fortunate that he never found out that Estella was a snob like Pip. The books ends like a fairy tale where Magwitch is fortunate that Pip has a perfect marriage to his own daughter Estella which is what he would of wanted.