Great Expectations Analysis

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Herbert, who serves as a contrasting character to Pip in the Charles Dickens' novel Great Expectations, also is the one who is accountable for turning Pip into a true gentleman. Herbert, as a character, is the most intimately close friend to Pip. Although Joe Gargery does have a special relation with Pip, Joe's relation with Pip is different from Herbert's relation with Pip in a sense that Joe is a guardian or father figure more …

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…character that changed and matured the most, and that suddenly, Herbert and Pip seem to be more similar than ever. Dickens create a fabulous array of interesting characters in this novel - some daring, some hard to believe, some magical, some quite very pleasant - but to have an idea to create two such characters as Herbert and Pip, and then to mold them together as the story comes to an end, is truly genius.